nation lemurian

Lemuria / Mu is an ancient civilization that emerged before the civilization of Atlantis. The researchers placed the era of civilization of Lemuria period around 75 000 BC - 11000 BC. If we look from the period, the Nation of Atlantis and Lemuria must have lived together for thousands of years.
The idea continent Lemuria existed beforehand than Atlantis and ancient Egyptian civilization we can get an explanation of a work of Augustus Le longeon (1826-1908), a researcher and writer in the 19th century who conducted research on archaeological sites in the Yucatan Mayan relics . Information obtained after the success Menter-translated several ancient records sheet Mayans.

Until now, the location of the continent of Lemuria in the past is still a controversy, but based on archaeological evidence and some theory proposed by researchers, most likely civilization is located in the Pacific Ocean (around Indonesia now).
Many archaeologists believe that the mysterious Easter Island is part of the continent of Lemuria. It is when viewed from hundreds of colossal stone statues around the island and some of the ancient record engraved on some artifact that refers to traces of the civilizations developed in the past.
According to Edgar Cayce, the emergence of civilization of Atlantis as a super power at the time (now if that's similar to the United States) makes them particularly wanted to conquer the world's nations, including Greece and Lemuria were viewed by the Atlantean as a powerful civilization.
that in view of the above image lemurian it is located in Indonesia as a reference, there is one source that says that our nation stands for our people instead of other nations. Why say salakanagara kings coming from another nation (India)? Why salakanagara called? this may be associated with the story of Ptolemy in the year 150 AD on Argyre (Silver City), and mean that "Salaka" is "silver" but writing is one supposed "SELAKA" meaning "or can be silver basket (rack, etc.) in the brazier of incense. "And also to current location Argyre uncertain pakar2 further by historians.
When the name "Se-laksanagara" But urang sunda says tea "Sa-laksa Nagara" could be right here, which means "a thousand countries (thousand island)" which also means NUSANTARA (= Nusa Island; Between = between / separators ). For the Nation / State / Island was once an island that is known to the Sunda (Sundaland) covering Borneo, Sumatra, Java island, malaysia and piliphina left slightly. And this nation formerly called Sunda Lemurian, (not Atlantis), capital has disappeared with the outbreak of the islands of Sunda land.

Lemurian nation ZHUNNDA speak the language and more often to communicate through telepathy they only speak when trying to communicate is essential. hurf used is the letter Lemurian.

average Lemurian nation has control of energy by 40%, much larger than the current human energy mastery that only 2.5%.
Lemurian nation has had a very high tech, some of the technologies are:
1. birth through MORTAPHARABEENA technology (the process is similar to giving birth water birth, water birth was first introduced in Russia by Igor Tjarkovsky 1960).

2. PRODIMAAR education system, which is a Lemurian nation's education system by means of plug-in science form inserted audio and visual subliminal program subliminal program where it is a system designed to influence the subconscious of every child that science is automatically "stick "in the subconscious.

3. have a means of collecting information called PROBE. This tool contains data and information on each individual and the events that occurred in the Lemurian.

4. metal used for a few basic materials technology Lemurian nation is KRAIMAN metal, power metal titanium 6 times, made KRAIRON nations (nations who lived in the basement, in the near-earth layer of magma) that is widely available in the depths of the mountain approached magma. Metal KRAIMAN processed using pressure and heat of magma for 700 years.

5. has a portal between dimensions of space and called BARQHA, using technology with a mixture KRAIMAN and various materials that use nanotech energy so as to create a portal like water waves.


and many other technology owned Lemurian nation.

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Name : Fauzan Imam R

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Adventure Seeking Adhama

"I have met with Adhama. I have found him to test what kind of human power that has 100% control of energy, "said ARKHYTIREMA curious to try tested the strength Adhama (page 101).
He then asked Ujin his parents, but his parents only frowned and was silent. Her parents realized that they could not hold her own keiingintahuan. His parents would let him seek Adhama if Lemurian Council permit. With a pretty tough discussion, eventually led RHAMIDAAR Lemurian Council finally allow ARKHYTIREMA looking Adhama. At the start of this adventure ARKHYTIREMA go to other galaxies through BARQHA.
Through BARQHA, which is a tool to connect the portal to another portal through a worm hole, ARKHYTIREMA then explore other galaxies which turned out to have exactly the same life in Ardh GRUMMA (ed: Earth). In every planet in its path, ARKHYTIREMA faced a variety of different conflicts.
Arrival ARKHYTIREMA sometimes welcomed as a god, but on another planet welcomed as a troublemaker. However, these conflicts arise from NISPHA-NISPHA (lust) of the planet (even the newcomers) who tended to dominate the planet. ARKHYTIREMA appeared as "The Liberator" who can always enyelseaikan seats the problem with justice and prosperity for all inhabitants of the planet.
It seems that the readers are presented a story of a fairy tale that has never occurred at all, but the situation is experienced by real events ARKHYTIREMA. In addition, the novel is filled with teachings and advice-sage advice, especially how to respect others, to do justice and to worship the Almighty (ed: Allah).
Systematizing the language is quite simple, no flash back story, all flowing from a life ARKHYTIREMA. Shape editor language is very different from the usual. New terms in the novel is deliberately created using Capitalization making it easier for readers to remember these terms. In addition, the novel is also equipped with an intentionally separate glossary to facilitate the reader discover the meanings of editorial language is difficult to understand.
Admittedly, the author, the novel is slightly raises the pros and cons related to the building's history of religion, culture and civilization. But at least this novel provides the essential knowledge about the task and the nature of man as a vicegerent on earth. Happy reading!
Author: Dicky Zainal Arifin
Pages: 346 Pages + 77 Pages Glossary
Publisher: Lemurian Production
Year of Publication: April 2011

"Modern" times past

One of the modern era is now the pride of giving birth in water or water birth with another term. In the conception of science and technology now, the process of giving birth in water birth is a loaded condition of high technology.
Perhaps such assumption is not entirely true, because in earlier times, in IZLAN Lemurian (Lemurian Continent) water birth traditions have daily sight. Even BHABAR process (childbirth) is done in a MORTAPHRABEENA, a place that was conditioned as in the uterus by using a synthetic placenta viva chimney connected to "memflug in" science and technology (page 9).
Practically, the birth, the mother did not feel any pain and the baby already has a basic knowledge already "diflug in" earlier, staying in process kehidupannnya, the baby is stimulated through the education system (PRODIMAAR) to sense and realize his conception that already exist.
Process BHABAR (born), the true character highlighted concerns a boy named ARKHYTIREMA Lemurian nation derived from the term (incident) which is derived from the ARK (ark), KHY (energy), IT (from), Rhem (12 planets in the stopped state ) A (call for children). So, ARKHYTIREMA means son ark has a power of 12 planets halt state (page 29).
At the time of birth is estimated at 419 ARKHYTIREMA ORIGOM or 40,000 BC. ARKHYTIREMA born when IZLAN Lemurian, or also known as the United Nations, has not been destroyed by BHALLAMIN, king of the Nation ATLANTIS.
Post BHABAR, small ARKHYTIREMA override PRODIMAAR education in the education system, the education system that maximizes the potential of the child without disrupting the child freedom to think and move. At this time, education is very different indeed forged modern era. The education system in the form of visual and audio PRODIMAAR are inserted subliminal program, which is a system that is designed to influence the subconscious that science automatically "stuck" in the bottom of the child's thinking (p. 37).
From this PRODIMAAR, ARKHYTIREMA began to find sense and critical thinking to the phenomenon of life, people, planet and the universe. Even kekritisannya it causes him motivated to find the creator and an adventure to different galaxies. Especially in a session in the Space GAMMA (ed: like the school laboratory classrooms), small ARKHYTIREMA could ask, "may I meet with the Creator? As to whether he? Do like us? Or beings who could never imagine? "He said to the profiler.
Profiler is accompanied by both parents ARKHYTIREMA, and when his son asked like that, a father simply said, 'ABHA (ed: fathers) have not met with the Creator, but if you want to feel DATHnya (ed: substances), consider the creation-creation , there is contained a very unusual secret, if we want to think. How do we live? How do we walk? How does a creature from nothing into being? Might not be all that stands alone, there must be created. If we make something, as he had demonstrated ABHA make plasma robot, we make sure robots do not think plasma mebuatnya. Depending on the program. We are not programmed to think of the Creator, as we program the robot plasma, so that he could not think, just do what we tell it. Though we have made an artificial intelligence, but we can not program the artificial intelligence is to understand the programmer. When we think of the creator, would never have imagined being anything because the program does not exist in the subconscious. We are not implanted memories about it "(page 80).
Hearing his father's explanation, ARKHYTIREMA pause. It is impossible for him to meet his Creator. However, because of his young life filled with the spirit of learning and adventure, curiosity is always embedded and always unsatisfied. ARKHYTIREMA finally decided to look for a power beyond herself Adhama.

General Theory

PRACTICAL NEWS - picture perfect man as a vicegerent of Allah on earth to get a challenge to Darwin's theory that says humans descended directly from apes. I do not know what the underlying theory, but Muslim scholars, Harun Yahya denied Darwin's theory as a fraud against human existentialism as a leader on earth.
Another antithesis states that Darwin's theory as to uproot the humanity that created the image or the image of a-historicity of human existence and diakronisasi Adhama age (red: ADAM) to the present. This situation is a direct descendant of seats the man into sentient apes, do not have the intellectual high, and of course being in the dark times of human history. Sadly, this depiction of the human ape "dilesakan" in the structure of national education in the school curricula in the country.
Contrary to the present knowledge that often connects humans with apes, it turns out human history since Adhama including descendants descendants until the time of NOAH has a very high civilization. A civilization with a very high tech (hightech)-if not to say a nanotech civilization.
How is the phenomenon of life early generations Adhama era? How does the cultural, ideological structures, construction of knowledge, and even how the social, economic, political? Do exactly the same with the present, or have a system quirk-quirk? How does the emergence of writing? Then how religious system since Adhama, whether teaching in sync with the teachings hanifnya HAMMADZ (ed: Prophet MUHAMMAD SAW)?
Through Novel ARKHYTIREMA; issue this birth, the questions above presented as a whole, realist, and phenomenal, ranging from traditional birth (BHABAR) to adventure to another galaxy in the universe. In general, the novel is divided into two parts. The first part tells ARKHYTIREMA figure, from his birth to the educational process temper. While the second part tells the adventures ARKHYTIREMA to another galaxy in search of the first man Adhama.